Fushigina Koala Blinky was released in Japan in 1984 and shown in the US as Noozles on Nickelodeon. Below is various Japanese merchandise for this series. The show was never released on VHS, LD, DVD, or Blu-Ray.
Mysterious Koala Blinky Music Compilation (ふしぎなコアラブリンキー 音楽編)
C25G-0367 Released December 05, 1984 ¥2,500
First and last tracks are the OP & ED, rest are all BGM unreleased in any other format.
01 Mysterious Ufufu (不思議うふふ)
02 The Day it Began (一日はじまり)
03 Sandy’s Family’s Morning (サンディー家の朝)
04 Blinky’s Theme ( ブリンキーのテーマ)
05 Sandy’s Theme ( サンディーのテーマ)
06 Mischief is the Best (いたずらが一番)
07 Fruit Hills Elementary School (フルーツヒルズ小学校)
08 Run Blinky (走れブリンキー)
09 Frilled Lizard (エリマキトカゲのテーマ)
10 Lunch Break (お昼休み)
11 Printy’s Theme (プリンティーのテーマ)
12 Mysterious World (ふしぎな世界)
13 Memories (想い出)
14 Dream Land (ドリーム・ランド)
15 Sunset Sky (夕映えの空)
16 Star Dance (星のダンス)
17 Goodnight (おやすみなさい)
18 Shabadaba But… (シャバダバだけど)
Mysterious Koala Blink (ふしぎなコアラブリンキー)
6G-0053 Released July 21, 1984 ¥600
A Side:
Mysterious Ufufu (不思議うふふ)
B Side:
Shabadaba But… (シャバダバだけど)
Anime From That Time (あの頃のアニメ) CD
PCCG-00363 ¥2,300
Contains the opening
Shogakukan TV picture book (小学館のテレビ絵本):
¥330 each
1. Mysterious Light Ball (ふしぎなライトボール)
2. Lets go to Africa (アフリカ へいこう)
3. Mischievous Printy (いたずらプリンティ)
4. Swing Race (ブランコのりきょうそう)
Land of Light TV Picture Book Mysterious Koala Blinky (ひかりのくにテレビえほん ふしぎなコアラブリンキー)
Asahi Sonorama (朝日ソノラマ) book with a small record containing the theme song
TV Anime World Masterpiece Theater (テレビアニメ世界名作劇場 Vol 4) Released April 18, 1987 ¥1,950
Coloring Book (ぬりえ)
Coloring Book (ぬりえ)
Otoshidama (お年玉) envelopes
55-piece puzzle
Karuta Cards
Drawstring bag
Drinking glasses
Rice bowl
Plush Blinky
Plush Printy