Cassette tape containing songs from the hottest Nakayoshi manga in 1987 and some interviews with the authors. Chamekko Club can translate to “Playfulness Club”. This cassette was never released in any other format. Vocalists were:
Satoko Yamano (山野さと子): tracks 1, 4
WAFFLE: tracks 2, 3
Kazuki Kobayashi (小林一樹): track 5
The characters drawn by Michiru Kataoka (片岡みちる) were also used in the 80s on a release of pineapple and strawberry flavored Eskimo brand ice bars and included a promotion for phone cards with art drawn by the same mangaka.
Full of popular manga songs and chatter (人気まんがの歌とおしゃべりがいっぱい)
CEK-804 Released July 21, 1987 ¥1,500
Side 1:
1. Cha-Cha-Chamekko Club (チャチャちゃめっこクラブ)
2. Our Whisper (ふたりのウイスパー) from Naoko Takasugi’s “Yubiwa Monogatari” (高杉菜穂子「指輪物語」より)
3. Say Hello to That Girl (あの娘によろしく) from Chiaki Yagi’s “Heart Signal” (八木ちあき「はあとシグナル」より)
Side 2:
4. Weather Report Say Rain Then Sunshine (ウエザーリポートは雨のち晴れ) from Mariko Takeda’s “Ichigo Milk3″ (竹田真理子「いちごみるく3」より)
5. You are Precocious Popcorn (君はおませなポップコーン) from Yuu Asagiri’s “Nanairo Magic” (あさぎり夕「なな色マジック」より) this song is also found on the Nanairo Magic Image Album
Also listed in this album:
Nakayoshi Rookies Interview (なかよしルーキーズザインタビュー)
Nakayoshi Love Masterpiece Theater “Yubiwa Monogatari” original work: Naoko Takasugi (なかよし愛の名作劇場「指輪物語」原作:高杉菜穂子)
Chamekko Pet Show (ちゃめっこペットショー)
Japan’s Number One Misfortune Contest (日本一フコーコンテスト) <- not 100% sure on this one
Frequent Teacher (よくいる先生)
Chamekkoi (ちゃめっ恋)
Tachibana-san Club (立花さんクラブ)
Chamekko Characters Introduction (ちゃめっこキャラクターズ紹介)
Ah, I was Mistaken (あーし勘違いなど)
1987 Nakayoshi Rookies:
Natsuki Tateoka (たておか夏希)
Tamao Tomizawa (富沢珠緒)
Kazuyo Wada (わだかづよ)
Satoru Hiura (ひうらさとる)
Satomi Morishita (森下さとみ)
Rina Hibiki (響理奈)
Some other items out there featuring these characters:
Drawstring bag
Phonecards: Colnect contains scans of the Eskimo prize phone cards