The original anime proposal had this called Koala Boy Larry. I have also seen Kokki romanzied as Kockey. More merchandise not listed below and other information on the anime (which was never released on any Japanese home media) can be found on the Lost Media Wiki.
Akasaka Komachi Koala Boy Kokki (赤坂小町 コアラボーイ・コッキィ)
T28A-1035 Released November 1984 ¥2,800
All of the below and some more songs are also available on the CD Akasaka Komachi TDCT-1131 Released March 25, 1996.
Side A:
Welcome Koala (ようこそコアラちゃん)
Koala Boy Kokki (コアラボーイ・コッキィ)
Cute Lala (可愛いラーラ)
Sweet Paradise
Side B:
Warusa wo Shinakya Hajimarnai (ワルサをしなきゃはじまらない) <- need to see lyrics before translating
Road Not on a Map (地図にない道)
Papa & Mama’s Tango (パパとママのタンゴ)
Goodnight Kokki (おやすみコッキィ)
EP Record
T07S-1057 Released October 5, 1984 ¥700
Koala Boy Kokki (コアラボーイコッキィ)
Road Not on a Map (地図にない道)
Coloring Book (ぬりえ)
Picture storyboard coloring book
Waku Waku Book (わくわくブック) with paper dolls and games
Notepad with stickeers
Mebae magazine bonus item
70 piece puzzle
55 piece puzzle
Coin purse & drawstring bag
Shirt. I have also seen the picture used on this on a pouch by the same company.
Vinyl bank