Pocket Zaurus Mystery of the Ten Kings Sword (ポケットザウルス十王剣の謎) ¥5,900
Side-scrolling “quiz adventure” Famicom game from Tose and Bandai released on February 27, 1987. In this game you play as “Hashimotozaurus” but this game appears to have little to do with the Pocket Zaurus franchise. This might be because ideas for this game were solicited from readers in a 1986 issue of Family Computer magazine. The box itself states “Created by Master Hashimoto and seven kids”. The coin below lists the official English title of the game as “The Riddle of Juoken”.
Ad for the released game as well as as an ad for the unreleased Famicom Disk game Pocket Zaurus Quiz World (ポケットザウルス・クイズワールド). Quiz World was going to be a 4-player quiz game with 10 stages and was going to have a special controller that all four people could use at once.
Pocket Zarus Mystery of the Ten King Swords Strategy Guide (ポケットザウルス十王剣の謎完全攻略本) 350¥ Released March 3, 1987
Pocket Zarus Mystery of the Ten King Swords Perfect Win Book (ポケットザウルス十王剣の謎完全必勝ブック) 390¥ Released 3/25/1987
Winning Technique Complete Version 25 Pocket Zaurus (必勝テクニック完ペキ版25ポケットザウルス) Released May 20, 1987
Pocket Zaurus Hearty Island Adventure (ポケットザウルス恐竜島漂流記(ハーティアイランドアドベンチャー))
Original story set in the world of the video game.
1987 Family Computer (ファミリーコンピュータ) magazine isses with strategy guides.
June 1988 Wanpaku Comics (わんぱっくコミック)
July 1988 Wanpaku Comics (わんぱっくコミック)
August 1988 Wanpaku Comics (わんぱっくコミック)
These contained manga
Some kind of Famicom Disk style sticker
Pocket Zaurus Mystery of the Ten Kings Sword Silver Coin (ポケットザウルス十王剣の謎シルバーコイン)
I have seen two different origin stories for these coins:
1. Solve the crossword puzzle in the manual and send in your answer, 50 would be given away via lottery.
2. Given away in local Famicom tournaments by Master Hashimoto himself.
Quiz World: