Sweets Fantasy House (おかしのファンタジーハウス) & Pop Kids (ポップキッズ)

Edible hobby made of sweets (お菓子てつくる食べられるホビー)


These were a line of create-your-own candy houses made of wafers and icing that came with a small toy figure released by Bandai. Their internal documents show these were first released in December 1984. They can be seen in the 1985 trade show catalog as Sweets Fantasy House and by 1986 they evolved into Pop Kids.


Sweets Fantasy House:


1985 Bandai catalog


1. Pastor Poodle and The Milky Green Church (プードル牧師さんとミルキーグリーンの教会)

2. Hippo Soldier’s Sweet Creamy Castle (かばの兵隊さんのスイートクリーミーお城)

3. Bicycle Bear’s Strawberry Colored Post Office (じてんしゃくまさんのいちご色郵便屋)

4. Strawberry Colored Rabbit’s House (いちご色したうさぎさんのお家)

5. Cat’s House With a Green Roof (グリーンお屋根のねこさんのお家)

6. Sheep’s House With Two Roofs (ふたつお屋根のひつじさんの家)

7. Pig’s House With a Colorful Roof (カラフルお屋根のこぶたのお家)

8. Small Train With a White Smokestack (白えんとつの小さな汽車)

9. Small Car With Bonbon Tires (ボンボンタイヤの小さな車)

10. Small Car With Cookie Tires (クッキータイヤの小さな車)


In an ad in Olive magazine I see mention of an idea contest to design your own Fantasy House. It says that Bandai might use the ideas in future releases so the Pop Kids designs might have come from this contest.



Pop Kids:



1986 Bandai catalog


These were released in 1986 as sets of houses, minis, and a stand alone wagon, castle, and special box set. A-1 to A-8, B-1 to B-8 and the box set were released early in the year with A-9, A-10, and B-9 following in October 1986. A-11, A-12 and B-10 were released in November and  B-11 in December of the same year.


Pop Kids Mini Series (ポップキッズミニシリーズ):

¥380 each

A-1 Train That Mr. Mozel the Goat Rides (やぎのモゼル先生がのる汽車)

A-2 Plane That Brunch the Wolf Rides (おおかみのブランチがのった飛行機)

A-3 Ship That Pact the Piglet Sees (子ぶたのパクトが見た船)

A-4 Patrol Car That Inspector Hook The Dog Wants (犬のフック警部が欲しがっているパトカー)

A-5 Mr. Rap the Hippo’s Wagon (カバのラップ先生のワーゲン)

A-6 Polar Bear Beat’s Minister Robot (白くまベアット神父のロボット)

A-7 Fee the Rabbit’s Favorite Piano (うさぎのフィーのおきにいりのピアノ)

A-8 Mail the Kangaroo’s Wonderful Coffee Cup (カンガルーのメイルのステキなコーヒーカップ)

A-9 Mr. Pallmall the Giraffe’s Cute Doll (きりんのペルメル先生のかわいいお人形)

A-10 Ganache the Lion’s Magic Sneaker (ライオンのがナッシュの魔法のスニーカー)

A-11 Setsui the Kitten’s Birthday Cake (こねこのセツィのお誕生日ケーキ)


A-12 Milfy the Rabbit’s Stylish Dresser (うさぎのミルフィのおしゃれなドレッサー)


Pop Kids Series (ポップキッズシリーズ):

B-1 Polar Bear Pink Cross Church ( 白くま ピンクの十字架の教会)

B-2 Lion Milky Cream Castle(ライオン ミルキークリームなお城)

B-3 Kangaroo Pink Post Post Office (カンガルー ピンクポストの郵便局)

B-4 Hippo Green Roof School (カバ グリーンお屋根の学校)

B-5 Giraffe Strawberry Roof Kindergarten  (キリン いちご色お屋根の幼稚園)

B-6 Rabbit House With Two Cute Roofs (ウサギ かわいいふたつ屋根のおうち)

B-7 Piglet House of Colorful Mints (子ぶた カラフルミンツのおうち)

B-8 Wolf Big Brick House (おおかみ 大きいえんとつのレンガのおうち)

B-9 Clock Tower With Pink Roof (ピンクの屋根の時計台)

B-10 Windmill With Big Yellow Blades (黄色い大きな羽根の風車小屋)


Special Sets:


A-13 Wagon Running In a Dream (夢の中を走るワーゲン) ¥600


A-14 Pop Kids Who Found A Delicious Present (おいしいプレセントみつけたポップキッズ)

B-11 Big Happiness-Colored Castle (しあわせ色の大きなお城) ¥3,800






Pictures of these on Twitter: